







In AquaCity Poprad, conference participants will learn how to design smart neighborhoods and buildings to meet the highest criteria for comfortable, safe and efficient living. This year will be focused on SMART infrastructure, which will soon connect everything around us, not only in the cities, but also in the buildings. Traditionally, there will also be the latest technological achievements in the telco and smart-city sphere, but this time we will experience a slightly different format of the event. Leaders in the field of design of entire residential areas and buildings, architectural innovations and smart infrastructure (Internet of Energy, electromobility...) will present topics in panel discussions and individual blocks. We will also show case studies of already implemented projects and the use of AI in practice. In a special block, you will get detailed information about how data helps us improve new and existing projects.

In this case, the word "ROCK" has up to three meanings - the cornerstone of buildings and cities (SKA), adventure and adrenaline in the mountains (Peter Hámor) and a musical style that we will enjoy to the fullest!

The program will also be accompanied by important guests from the fields of science (SAV) & architecture (SKA).  Our goal is to connect scientific knowledge about new energy sources, smart buildings and the (re)design of entire neighborhoods as well as effective Smart City & Smart Building solutions.

The evening "ROCK Party" is an ideal opportunity to deepen business relations between partners, important clients and representatives of the public sector. The evening will be carried out in the traditional spirit of informal networking, full of relaxation and fun.

Friday night you will be able to feel ancient atmosphere on Lubovniasky castle, through unique and unforgottable solstice party.


Support of education and motivation of young people

One of the main goals of the conference is to support education, motivation of young people and their active involvement in global challenges while allowing them to learn more about the ethical development of their talent and creativity. Therefore, over 150 talented young IT students are going to get an opportunity to attend the conference for free.

At the same time, we are going to financially support: young talents from socially disadvantaged families, implementation of student projects in the (f)ITcubator in the city of Poprad as well as the rescue of beech forests and development of ecotourism in the POLONINY & TOKAJ wine region.





THURSDAY 20th June 2024  |  Sm(Art) Arch & Building


08:00 am  Registration of participants
09:50 am  Opening of the conference
10:00 am  Infrastructure on the most modern island in the world.

Peter Vesterbacka - FinEst Bay

10:10 am  11 Problems Solved by Wolf Society

Our mission is to become the world's leading virtual incubation space for bringing together diverse teams of problem solvers and enable them to convert their ideas into impact solutions which can help revert the ecological crisis fast!

Radoslav Mizera - SOLVED

10:20 am  Creation of a new modern residential district

An example of the complex cooperation of a team of erudite experts in the creation of a new residential district in Slovakia.

Štefan Koluš - SOHO Bratislava, IURIS

10:40 am  Communication infrastructure – a solid foundation of the buildings and city districts

How to properly design and implement telecommunication networks, connect buildings and at the same time, to not forget all the components of intelligent solutions? After the presentation of the experts, in a panel discussion we will focus at the design and implementation of all important communication modules of modern buildings, such as physical, fire or cyber security, energy, electromobility, or MaR and SMART solutions for entire residential districts.

Jozef Pivarník – Slovanet, Miloslav Eis - 2N Telekomunikace, Ondrej Gombárik - LastMile, Zuzana Hudzíková - Phillip, Martin Murín – HDS
Moderator: Ján Michlík – Metro ON Line

11:40 am  Efficient living in apartment buildings

A modern approach to the management of apartment buildings using the Resitech communication platform. At our lecture, you will learn how this easy-to-implement technology can bring significant financial savings and improve processes in an apartment building. All necessary documents and information are clearly stored in one place, which guarantees transparency and easy access for all residents. Come and learn how Resitech can contribute to an efficient and harmonious life in your apartment building and the entire community.

Mária Giertl - Resitech

11:50 pm  Towards Happy city!

Green infrastructure and biodiversity.

Róbert Pazúr, Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

12:00 pm   Lunch
1:00 pm  The Internet of Energy is coming!

In the coming years we will be part of a fundamental shift in how we use, exchange, store and trade energy. During this talk Arash will provide insights on energy innovations on a systemic level. Not technology innovation alone, but also fundamentally changing economy, society, and the institutions. Systemic innovation requires a different mindset: The mindset of great scientists, artists, and even hackers. Did you know that there globally there are more devices connected to the internet than there are not? Arash develops and presents innovations that will lead to much increased energy autonomy through the use of technologies like AI and IoT. Prepare for an inspiring, exciting and hope-giving presentation 

Arash Aazami – Synergy Hackathon

1:30 pm  The most efficient energy infrastructure in our conditions

Selection of a suitable mix of energy sources and their projection, financing or construction. How to generate, measure and manage energy, or why is the age of the Internet of Energy coming? Flexibility, aggregation, prediction and concepts that will bring closer the importance of communication through IoT networks.

Milan Orlovský - KOOR, Eugen Škopec – AEROFLEX SK, Igor Stanek – CHASTIA, Igor Kolla – ANTIK, Vladimír Ondrejička – Centrum SPECTRA, Richard Modrák – KEKS.energy

Moderator: Igor Wzoš – Slovak Smart City Cluster

3:00 pm   What does top notch digitization of the real world look like?

Demonstrations of the best that modern technologies can do in connection with the artistic approach of world experts from Slovakia! Use not only in real estate but especially in the protection of cultural heritage.

Tomáš Barnáš, OVERHE4D

3:15 pm   Artificial Intelligence and Digital-Free Tourism. Faceoff between Modernity and Tradition.

This presentation provides insights regarding the duality of Artificial Intelligence AI and Digital-Free Tourism DFT. Grounded in the philosophy of Digital-Free Tourism, this presentation compares the pros and cons of both AI-supported Tourism and Digital-Free Tourism in a juxtaposed context. Furthermore, this faceoff of modernity (AI-supported Tourism) and tradition (Digital-Free Tourism) has been explained in the context of the Power and Resistance model of Michael Foucault and Nozick’s Experience Machine, to provide implications for the tourism industry in the domains of virtual and physical realities.

Farhad Nazir - Centrum SPECTRA

 3:30 pm  Slovakia and tourism

A glance at the current needs of the tourism industry from the point of view of data and digitalization.
How will the digital era change our options?

Mgr. Marek Harbuľák, State Secretary for Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic

 3:40 pm  Infrastructure in buildings where life is at stake!

Perfect analysis, robustness or redundancy are only a fraction of the features that must be considered when designing and planning the construction of hospitals and their critical infrastructure. How the most modern hospital in Slovakia are built will be explained to us by the most relevant!

Jozef Hornický - ATAQ, Rastislav Valovič - ALTO Real Estate, Jakub Jamnický - DHA, Michal Šimkovič – void SOC

5:00 pm  Relax - machines for real guys vs modern electromobility by KIA

Come relax and try out the most powerful machines for laying the foundations of buildings 😊 or try driving the latest electric SUVs from KIA. For those who need perfect relaxation, there is a Wellness zone with massages.

8:00 pm  ROCK chillout

Rock OFF-LINE outdoor pool party full of hits and fun!


08:00 am  Registration of participants
09:50 am  Opening of the Conference in the Business Hall
10:00 am  Welcome speech by a Special guest in the Business hall
10:30 am  Workshop - Multi-Factor authentication and Privileged access management in practice

Interested in securing access to the websites and systems you use? What have you encountered so far? What security threats have you encountered in securing them?

In this talk we will provide a simple explanation of the cyber threats faced by the systems you commonly use and how 2FA/MFA (two/multi-factor authentication) and PAM (privileged access management) can help protect them.

We will explain these concepts from the ground up, explore existing solutions, and use practical demonstrations to introduce current trends in PAM and MFA.

This talk is therefore suitable even for beginners who want to broaden their horizons on these cyber-security topics from practice.

Marek Cisár - Excalibur

11:45 pm  Lunch
1:30 pm  Workshop - Design of residential buildings

A sample of best practice procedures from residential projects in Slovakia and abroad. Expert discussion on methods of making the project more attractive and increasing the comfort and security of living for future apartment owners.

ICT Solutions

3:00 pm  Program in the Business Hall 

FRIDAY   21st June 2024  |  Sm(Art) infrastructure & security


08:00 am  Registration of participants
09:30 am  Opening of the Conference
09:40 am  A view beyond the horizon of events in real estate😊

How will the demographic development of Slovakia affect the real estate market in the coming decades? What are the biggest challenges of our country and do we even see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Branislav Reľovský – NBS

09:55 am  Downtown or old town?

What will the most lucrative location in Slovakia look like in 10 years? An example of the perfect harmony of technological visions in the design of the icon of Bratislava, which will set new trends in living - PORTUM TOWERS.

Pavol Chren – Portum Towers

10:10 am  How will AI change lives in buildings and modern cities?

Artificial intelligence is increasingly entering our lives. Thanks to it, we can intervene in the digital world and significantly influence events in it. When will the time come when AI will also affect the real world? Will our life be much easier or are we making up for a real problem? The Innovator of the Year will introduce you to the fundamentals of AI and its implications in relation to our lives.

Libor Bešenyi – Xolution

10:30 am  Are our cities and their neighborhoods efficient?

A glimpse at urban neighborhoods, their infrastructure, and the problems they struggle with at relatively low building density.

Maroš Finka, SPECTRA Center

10:45 am  Electromobility and its pitfalls

Designing and building infrastructure for modern transport in the cities, electric car charging and the use of modern drones. What does the legislation say about it? We will show you the best case studies directly from practice, with the view of experts on fire safety and upcoming legislation.

Simona Kalinovská Lhotová – 3MON, Ján Zuštiak – AgeVolt, Jozef Králik – GARAGE.Systems, plk. Ing. Gabriel Megó – HaZZ, Marek Košuda – Faculty of Aviation TUKE

12:00 am  Road to the top of the icon

The road to the dream destination can sometimes be very thorny, but even more interesting!

Peter Hamor

12:20 am  Lunch


08:00 am  Registration of participants
09:30 am  Opening of the Conference in the Business Hall
09:40 am  Workshop - Streamed access management isn’t web streaming as you know it

What comes to mind when you hear "web streaming"? YouTube or Netflix? Cloud gaming services or TeamViewer streaming a remote desktop? These are the usual suspects.

Although Streamed Access Management (SAM) introduces a different angle: streaming access to remote resources like RDP, VNC, or websites via a secure tunnel, with management, auditing, content control and other features for administrators, as well as end users.

In this talk we will explore how streamed web changes traditional websites rendering and interaction. Here, everything happens on the server, and only the output is streamed to the client’s browser.

We will delve into the innovative concept of Remote Browser Isolation (RBI), its implementation in Excalibur VITRO technology, as well as security implications and practical use cases.

12:00 am  Lunch
14:00 pm  Transport to Stará Ľubovňa
16:00 pm  Discovering ruins of castles
18:00 pm  Dinner
20:00 pm  "Sen lásky svätojánskej", solstice party

Conference will be situated in one of the world's most green resort AquaCity Poprad.


Entrance fee covers all-day activities, presentations, workshops, evening events and meals, excluding accommodation.

Entrance to the conference
Metro ROCKLine 2024

240€ with VAT

  • Entrance for 2 days of the conference 20.-21.6.2024
  • Coffe breaks
  • 2x Lunch
  • Admission to the all-day program
  • 1x Dinner
  • Entrance to the relax zones of AquaCity
  • Entrance to the evening party
  • Accommodation is not included in the price


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Ivana Kukanová